CUPE 1302 Bargaining Update #3

Hello, all,

As we navigate the challenges of bargaining, it’s essential to understand the impact of inflation on our purchasing power. Over the past several years, rising costs have significantly outpaced wage increases, leaving many of us with less ability to afford everyday necessities. 

  • Real economic hardship due to years of declining purchasing power – most members have 13% lower real income than ten years ago.
  • LT3s made $45,546 in July 2015: today’s $50,925 annual wage is 13.4% lower in real dollars once you factor in inflation.
  • LT6s made $63,422 in July 2015: today’s $70,913 annual wage is also 13.4% lower in real dollars.

To help better understand the extent of this issue, CUPE has developed an Inflation Calculator that demonstrates how inflation erodes our earnings over time. I encourage you to explore this tool and see how inflation has affected your finances. You can access the calculator here <> . 

Additionally, Unity Council has prepared the third Bargaining Bulletin, attached to this email. Please take a moment to review it and stay informed about our progress. 

Thank you for your continued support and solidarity. 

In solidarity, 






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