RALLY for Fair Compensation June 20th

Unity Council is inviting you on behalf of the approximately 3,300 staff and faculty at Queen’s University, to join us on the Agnes Benidickson Field, from 11:30am to 1:00pm on Tuesday, June 20th as we remind our Employer of our position regarding fair wage increases.

WHO:  Queen’s Employees, CUPE 229, CUPE 254, CUPE 1302, ONA 067, OPSEU 452, PSAC 901, QUFA, USW 2010, and USW 2010-01

WHAT:   Rally to demand Queen’s University renegotiate our wage increases

WHAT TO BRING: Bring your own beverage (only pizza provided; no beverages), sunscreen, hat, and colleagues

WHERE:  Agnes Benidickson Field, main campus, Queen’s University (University Avenue beside Grant Hall)

WHEN:  Tuesday, June 20, 11:30am – 1:00pm

There will be pizza served at 11:30am with speeches starting at 12noon.  Everyone is encouraged to attend to hear the issues currently troubling Queen’s workers.

Queen’s workers contribute immensely to the success and smooth functioning of Queen’s University, and our efforts deserve to be acknowledged and fairly compensated.

Work with your Manager/designate to take your lunch at a different time on June 20th, if applicable.



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