CUPE 1302 Bargaining Update #1

Dear members, 


The bargaining committee will meet with the employer for the first time this afternoon to begin negotiations. 

The union’s proposals are attached to this email for your reference. These documents reflect the priorities and concerns you have shared with us, and we remain committed to advocating for fair and equitable outcomes for all members. 


Please remember that these proposals are a starting point and will change and evolve as we move through the bargaining process. As part of these discussions, we will also need to address the employer’s proposals, which we will share and review in the future.


We will update you on any progress or developments from today’s session. As always, your support and solidarity are crucial in these efforts. 


Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our collective goals. 


In solidarity, 

1302 Bargaining Committee

Kim Bell

Ken Pearce

Debbie Clark

Alyssa Lunney


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